A lot of persons who start using their very first web hosting account, or switch companies, normally have questions in regards to how particular procedures are carried out or have difficulty setting up different things, including emails, site settings, etc. For this reason, some companies have compiled documentation with standard questions and issues so as to help their customers get info quickly and easily. As a result, the help desk staff can devote more time to actual issues that particular clients may be encountering, as the solution for the smaller things will already be available online and customers will be able to deal with them without touching base with the customer care staff. Having thorough documentation is essential, especially for new clients without any prior experience whatsoever, since the hosting service involves an abundance of functions and many people can get puzzled about what action to take. A good knowledge base can both help you execute the tasks that you want and find out how the web hosting service works as a whole.

Extensive Online Documentation in Cloud Website Hosting

If you purchase a cloud website hosting account through us, you’ll get access to our comprehensive online help documentation where you will see info about pretty much everything related to our hosting solutions. The topics encompass anything from how to set up an e-mail address on your mobile phone, to how to accomplish different things using an .htaccess configuration file. The articles are written in an easy-to-comprehend way and offer step-by-step guides on how to complete a given task in your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You can also find info that’s not directly connected to Hepsia, for instance one that concerns applications on your desktop PC. The full list of articles will be located in the Help section of the Control Panel, but those that are relevant to a given section can be accessed on the spot. Considering the fact that we have covered as many topics as possible, you will be able to discover more or less everything related to your hosting account.

Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The Help section of the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with our Linux semi-dedicated hosting, will allow you to access the in-depth online documentation that we have compiled for you. The articles include generic info on our web hosting services, educational guides about the separate functions that you can make use of, plus troubleshooting instructions that can help you resolve common problems that you could encounter. The topics that we’ve covered include practically everything, from uncomplicated things such as how to host a new domain name in the account, to more complex ones such as which SSH commands are permitted on the semi-dedicated servers. Relevant articles about the features of a certain section of the Control Panel will always be available on the right-hand side of the page that you’re on, whereas the entire article collection can be accessed through the dedicated Help section.