Should you ever face a problem with your site and be incapable of handling it, ask the hosting provider’s client service staff to help you get the website back online. A speedy resolution would be the best-case scenario, but many companies reply within twenty four hours or even more, particularly if you are working with a reseller. Even if your problem can be solved quickly, your website may not work satisfactorily or it may not be available whatsoever for a prolonged time period, so you may lose prospective customers as it is highly unlikely that anybody would be dying to revisit a site that is broken. Having said that, you have to make sure not only that you can get in touch with your web hosting provider, but also that they can reply and assist you in a timely fashion. If a web application update does not proceed smoothly or you erase something incidentally, for example, the website must be restored promptly so as to avoid long unavailability.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Website Hosting

Our guaranteed max response time for any ticket that you post or any email that you write is only 60 minutes, even if you contact us during weekends and public holidays. Whatever the nature of your issue or question may be, we’ll help you out straight away and will provide you with the required info to fix any problem with your websites. The actual reply time usually doesn’t surpass fifteen-twenty minutes, which is the reason why you can just forget about waiting around for hours and hours to get a problem fixed or even worse than that – waiting around all day only to obtain a response that more info is necessary whilst nothing is solved. We will assist you in a jiffy since we realize precisely how precious time can be in the dynamic digital realm. The sixty-minute response guarantee applies to any technical or billing query that you may have with regard to our Linux cloud website hosting packages.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Because we know precisely how essential it is to receive swift support, we guarantee that you’ll never have to wait for more than one hour to obtain a response to any trouble ticket that you send via your semi-dedicated server Control Panel. As a matter of fact, you will seldom need to wait for more than 20-30 minutes and this applies to any query irrespective of its nature – technical, general or billing. Moreover, our tech and customer support staff is working 24/7/365, so even in case you send a ticket during legal holidays, you will invariably receive a fast reply, which will contain the answer to a query, the solution to an obstacle or the information required to resolve an issue yourself – in case there is something that you need to do on your end. With us, you will never need to spend an entire day hanging around awaiting a response like you would with plenty of other web hosting companies.